Was ABC wrong in granting George Stephanopoulos and Charlie Gibson almost a full hour on “gotcha” issues in Wednesday night’s debate between Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Hillary Clinton?
Was the tone in Wednesday night's debate anti-Obama?
Why weren’t critical issues such as the struggling economy, crime and the War in Iraq – topics affecting both Philadelphia and the country – avoided until the second hour?
And was it "bad ethics" for Stephanopoulos, who was a former Clinton employee, to ask questions for such an important debate?
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Dropped the ball?
Try dropped the ball, watched it bounce, kicked it into oncoming traffic, and stomped on it.
I was blogging live from the debate last night and the most memorable thing about it was how mad I was afterward. If you were undecided before last night and were relying on this debate to make a final decision, you're probably still undecided.
But while this debate was totally useless on a variety of levels, there was one level in which it had merit. It showed how important it is to have people of color in the room when politics is being covered.
I sat in the "local media" row last night, which was two rows back from the national folks.
I saw only one person of color in the national section, and the irony was, it was a friend of mine who probably wouldn't have been there if he hadn't spoken to my journalism class earlier in the day.
If you want to check out my impressions, please do so by going to http://themadpoliticalscientist.blogspot.com
ABC should have a response for last night's horrible display of journalism in the questions both panelists were asking.
To totally ignore the main issues for the petty ones in order to build up "heat" throughout the debate was a perfect example of just where good journalism is going.
No wonder so many people are ticked off at the news. The media has gotten so used to "sensationalizing" everything that it forgets the true issues at hand.
Two thumbs up for Obama for not going "Shaft" on George and Charlie, because they defintely deserved a reality check!
The debate was unsurprising in that it wasn't really a debate. It was charges and counter-charges, mostly aimed at Obama.
What genius at ABC decided that Stephanopoulos, the former Clinton speechwriter and chief strategist, would be an unbiased moderator? And why didn't the rest of the mainstream media howl in protest?
It reminded me of the old Saturday Night Live sketch with Richard Pryor as a suspect in a police lineup. The other "suspects" in the lineup were a refrigerator, a duck, and a nun.
What ABC failed to realize is that after being low man on the totem pole for 300 years, African-Americans can smell a setup a mile away.
And this was a setup.
As detestible as last nights so-called "debate" was last night, it was comforting to see Sen. Obama keep his cool especially when Stephanoulas reached into his "trick bag" to ask the Ayers' question. And where was the follow up to Hillary after Sen. Obama reminded the "moderators" that former President Clinton pardoned two "Weathermen" in his waning days as chief executive? With all the issues facing Pennsylvanians...not to mention Philadelphians..we're treated to 50 minutes of "vetting" Obama allegedly to show that he is "electable" against John McCain. "If you can keep your head when those around you are losing theirs..."
The latest "excuse for a debate" presented by ABC and moderated by Charles Gibson and George Stephanopolous was the last straw! Yet another insult to the candidates and the American people. We are faced with a very important election and rely on the media to provide us with accurate information in order for every American to make the best decision for themselves and their family. Instead we get another "reality tv show", one filled with traded insults and trivial questions which mean nothing in terms of the issues and challenges that face us individually and collectively. All of the networks need to do whatever it takes to regain their morality and ethics, to present the facts in a straight forward and accurate manner. Most importantly stop abusing the American people and the candidates.
This was not a debate. it was a 45 minute free commercial for Hilary Clinton. Considering the triple teaming Barack handled himself very well. I know the obstacles Barack has to go against. I was just surprised at the blatant display of favoritism by ABC.I could not write my letter of objection to ABC fast enough.I would also like to encourage everyone her to do so also. Money runs this country and reminded them advertisers would be getting letters of complaint also. Sadly as Barack gets closer. the media will only get more desperate.
I was totally disappointed with the so called debate on ABC. I was under the false impression that ABC and Charlie Gibson represented professional, intellegent, unbiased
journalism ... BOY WAS I WRONG!
ABC would have been better off having Brittany Spears host the debate! That way people would have know (up front) the level of journalism to expect.
It was such a waste on so many levels, particulary for those still undecided who planned to use the "new revelations un earhted in this debate" to help them choose their candidate.
Was that a debate? I thought it was mud wrestling and Hillary thrashing about in the mud is a picture worth a thousand words. Then there was the juxtaposition of that calm, regal, articulate, thoughtful, decent man. Senator Obama won by losing. The audience, most of whom were Hillacrats, was booing and ABC has been roundly and soundly denounced, repudiated, rejected, disaffirmed, disavowed . . . and divorced. I watched another channel last night. We can speak most loudly by changing the channel and not patronizing Disney.
The debate has caused the likes of Robert Reuch, Sam Nunn and others to become members of the "Obamanation"
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