Friday, June 20, 2008

PABJ Media Watch July 12 Seminar – "Blacks and Communications Law: What You Need to Know"

PABJ's Media Watch Committee’s first seminar “Blacks and Communications Law: What You Need to Know” is scheduled for 11 a.m., Saturday, July 12 in the African-American Studies Department of Temple University's Gladfelter Hall in the 8th Floor bubble room.

Acclaimed journalist and Temple professor Linn Washington is scheduled to be the instructor for the day. This is an open refresher course on Communications Law for all African-American journalists, public relations employees and others seeking enlightenment as well.

PABJ Media Watch Seminars were created as a professional development tool for African-American media employees in their everyday responsibilites at work and to help excercise those critical thinking skills journalists need to use in various settings at their respective jobs.

Driving directions to Gladfelter Hall: Coming from City Hall, take North Broad Street to Cecil B. Moore. Make a right on Cecil B. Moore. Take Cecil B. Moore to N. 11th St. Make a left on N. 11th St. Drive two blocks north until getting to Berks. Gladfelter is on the corner of N. 11th and Berks.

SEPTA directions: Take Broad Street line to Temple. Walk toward campus bell and library on Berks walk. Cross N. 12th Street. Gladfelter is on the left hand side.

Parking directions:
Lot 7: This is the most convenient lot to Gladfelter Hall. The entrance is on Norris Street, between 11th and 12th Sts. Gladfelter is the large modern structure that looms over the south end of the parking lot.

Lot 2 Visitor Parking: The main visitor parking lot is on Montgomery Avenue, between 12th and 13th Sts. When exiting the parking lot, walk east and make a left onto 12th and walk approximately half a block to Berks St. Gladfelter is the second of the two large modern structures connected by a walkway that appear to your right.

For more information contact Media Watch Chair Johann Calhoun at (215) 893-5741.